Middle Eastern Family Business: Inheritance Laws and Family Divisions

Middle Eastern Family Business: Inheritance Laws and Family Divisions

Middle Eastern Family businesses are challenged by generational change, due to the combined effects of inheritance laws, companies laws, large families and rivalry amongst heirs, challenges which are usually recognized when it is too late. 

Internal threats to Middle Eastern Family business

  1. Many Middle Eastern family businesses have been remarkably successful and have become true financial and business powerhouses. Paradoxically, even the most successful families often have dangerous fault lines within, and they fail to recognise potential lethal threats from the inside before it is too late.
Fault Lines Within
  1. Dangers from within the family are subtle and these problems are often more difficult for the founder or other family members to perceive or acknowledge, let alone tackle in an effective manner. But even hairline cracks in the family can widen and invite disaster, particularly where the cracks are disagreements between siblings, the family’s bridge to the next generation.
  2. In 1967 fine corrosion cracking triggered a catastrophic collapse of the Silver Suspension Bridge across the Ohio River in West Virginia, under the twin stresses of low temperatures and high bridge loading. A total of 46 people in motor vehicles died when they fell into the river with the bridge. Likewise, in families, the twin stresses of leadership transition and business pressures can open up differences between siblings or cousins and can lead to the disintegration of the fabric of the family and the business.
The Middle Eastern Cultural Context
  1. Most Middle Eastern family businesses were started by one or two founders who retain ownership of the equity. In the wings awaits a fresh generation of owners, and the number of heirs in the wings is often large, because the culture in the Gulf region favours large families. It is one thing to build a successful business, it is quite another task to imbue every stakeholder with a culture promoting the cohesion and continuity of the family in nurturing and growing successful business enterprises over generations.
  2. Regardless of whether or not a particular sibling understands the family business or embraces the culture, the Middle Eastern inheritance laws guarantee that this sibling will receive an inheritance share commensurate with each other sibling of the same gender, and the Middle Eastern companies laws in the Gulf region guarantee that any heir inheriting shares will have one vote for one share inherited. This combined force of inheritance laws and companies laws means that for most families in business there is absolutely no guarantee that equity and the voting power will be vested in those heirs with the knowledge, ability, character and commitment to lead the family enterprise. Those heirs who do have the training and experience are commonly outnumbered and outvoted by other heirs without these qualities.
  3. The control of family business assets is a key which may unlock a vast reservoir of financial power, social prestige and an enviable lifestyle, so it is natural that there should be rivalry amongst heirs to lead the business. Add the element of sibling rivalry as an overlay and it can be seen that there is real potential for family business disagreements to escalate, particularly at the time when the founder ceases to play an active role.
  4. For these reasons, the inevitable transition associated with generational change and the inheritance process carries with it the potential to develop into an existential threat to the continuity of many Middle Eastern business enterprises. Even where the family business does not break apart, the paralysis of decision-making and the need for complete unanimity in the post-founder era may cause a gradual erosion of the business and asset base.
What Can Middle Eastern Families in Business Do?
  1. The first and the most important thing is to realise that in many cases the past history of the family and its enterprises may not be a reliable guide to what will happen in the future, so something must be done to secure the future.
  2. A family which has a desire to sustain and grow a business together must:

(a) develop a vision;

(b) generate a consensus to embrace the vision;

(c) formulate a plan to take the practical steps to ensure the vision continues (including a succession or stewardship plan); and

(d) implement that plan in an effective way with the best advice.

What Can Families’ Legal Advisers Do?

  1. There are clearly limitations as to what legal advisers can achieve in managing close familial relationships. However, good legal advisers can help, particularly where the atmosphere in the family remains positive. For example they can:

(a) suggest that the family needs to work together to develop the right succession plan and framework of arrangements to promote stewardship, continuity and an orderly transition when generational change occurs;

(b) make sure the right questions are asked and addressed even though the questions may be tough (e.g. should present or future in-laws have a role in the business?);

(c) encourage the creation of safety valves, because if a minority of family members becomes locked into a structure which others control they may feel they have no choice but to fight to break up the business, unless the minority is provided with a fair exit option.


    1. Family businesses are vital to the lifeblood of Middle Eastern economies and societies but there is a great need to educate families on the need to put in place the structures and governance platforms necessary for future continuity, harmony and growth in the business enterprise. The hidden economic and social costs of families in business which are dysfunctional are very high, measured in lost business revenues and missed growth opportunities. The family must put in place a leader or a leadership group which can act decisively to move the business forward. Well structured arrangements are needed to head off the ultimately destructive process of open conflict and litigation within families.
    2. The challenge for families is to apply the right guiding principles for good corporate governance to build a cohesive family and business dynamic for the good of future generations. Otherwise, the bridge to the next generation will crack and fail, and the family legacy will be lost.

Note: An extended version of this article was first published in “The Oath”, the Middle East Law Journal for Corporates in May 2014. https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-watts/?originalSubdomain=au

Example of a Family Covenant – part 1 of 2

Example of a Family Covenant – part 1 of 2

Example of a Family Covenant – Part 1 of 2

Suggested format of a family covenant with different clauses, as may be relevant, part 1 of 2,clauses 1-8.

1. Introduction

Explanation about the family structure, the relevant assets, the nature of the family business and the manner in which the structure is to be managed.  In most cases, family assets are divided into the core business, being an active company/ies, on the one hand, and assets held by the family for investment purposes, on the other hand. You will find below a separate reference to each.

2. Definitions

Define who is a “family member”, “founder”, “second generation”; what activity is considered to be the core business; which company/ies are part of the core business and which ones are for investment purposes; which assets are business assets and which are family assets.

3. Family values and visions; reasons for having a family covenant

What the family values, the family vision and aspirations are, examples:

  • The core business as a source of long-lasting pride and income.
  • The need to set up a principal framework for operation, also upon a change in needs.
  • The wish to keep amicable relations within the family.
  • Provide a framework for the growing family, not only for the day-to-day management but also as a means of dealing with conflicts and avoiding misunderstandings.
  • Formulate exceptions, division of roles, and decision making processes.
  • Assistance in distinction between management, ownership and family.
  • Formulate rules and norms that reflect the commitment to the expanding family as well as the community in which we live, in order to provide an appropriate foundation for economic prosperity as well as independence for the separate core families.
  • Allow common activity of the whole family, without impeding upon the independence of each member, and such member’s right to enjoy the family assets and the business profits.

4. Expectations of the future generation for the coming years

  • Find a way to keep the family business active and allow for all family members that may be interested in participating in the family activities.
  • Formulate the rights and obligations of family members that participate in the family business, and avoiding a situation in which being part of the business is taken for granted.
  • Ensure that each family member that is interested in participating in the business is committed to the business and contributes his time and energy in this respect, while accepting and applying the decisions taken with respect to the family.
  • Set out a decision making process in which the second generation takes decisions together with the founders.
  • Incorporate into the family business the personal abilities and the important contribution of each member of the second generation.
  • Formulate rules for the incorporation of the second generation into the family business.

5. Milestones following the signature of this covenant

We suggest setting precise dates or a time framework:

  • Complete transition to good corporate governance – a separation between management and board of directors.
  • Promote business plan with regards to the required organizational structure of new business.
  • Decide what is the required organizational structure for the various business fields.
  • Set principles for the transfer of ownership between the generations [from the founders to the second generation, and from the second generation to their heirs].

6. Safeguarding the economic security of the extended family

Consider the creation of a family fund to finance various matters; discuss the way such fund will be managed:

  • The family will try to keep the balance between business and family issues.
  • The legal structure and the division between the family assets and the business will be determined according to economic profitability.
  • Business matters are to be discussed at the board of directors and/or at management level; family matters will be discussed at the family council (see section 14 in part 2).
  • Business discussions are confidential, unless agreed otherwise.

7. Structuring the family assets

Review the family assets, divided into core business and investments, provide details on the core business and the ownership structure; set rules for future classification of assets, ownership structure.

8. Core business

Set rules about the ownership and management of the core business:

  • The family will act, through its lawyers, accountants and counsels, to adapt the legal structure and the various company documentation to the rules set out in this covenant.


Avi Abramovich

Avi Abramovich

Rosak Law