How to structure your real estate investments to preserve your assets

Structure your real estate investments to preserve your assets on a tax-effective basis In a variety of real estate investments, you can avoid common pitfalls and take full advantage of opportunities by using appropriate structures to preserve your assets and do so on a tax-effective basis. Investing Through Limited Partnerships I recently advised David, a successful real estate investor and to use a limited partnership (“LP”) for a new project instead of his usual practice- a corporation alongside other corporate investments. I cautioned against using a separate corporation for each...

real estate investments

How to protect and spread your wealth optimally

Showing ways and solutions to the High Net Worth Individuals to protect and optimise their assets. Wealthy people – the so called High Net Worth Individuals – keeping their property on a foreign account are currently under a general suspicion of tax evasion. The case involving Uli Hoeneß appears to prove the opinion of all those who see a close correlation between a growing bank account and declining moral standards. Protecting and spreading the wealth in an optimum manner within the framework of legal regulations There are several substantial reasons for having one or more accounts...


Tax residency in Germany – An Unpleasant Surprise!

Tax residency in Germany Germany is an attractive place to live in the center of Europe and the EU. It is safe, relaxed and highly developed. Its political system is stable and reliable, while its powerful economy is the largest in Europe. Known for its long and rich cultural history, Germany offers a very high standard of living. All these reasons make Germany a favorite destination for foreigners from inside and outside of the EU. However, there is no free lunch! Moving to Germany triggers very often some unexpected tax consequences, which everyone should consider carefully before...

tax residency in germany

What happens to your digital assets upon death?

What happens to your digital assets upon death? What happens to one's digital assets upon death? A brief summary of the rules in the U.S.A. that determine how much of our digital information is available to our fiduciaries upon death. While technology is constantly advancing in an attempt to improve our lives, a concession that we make is our privacy. Just how much of our information are we willing to share, with whom and when? Since much of what we do on our phones, laptops and computers is in the digital realm, the legislature and the courts in the US are now grappling with a new...

digital assets